Personal Insurance
Life Insurance Planning
For wealth preservation purposes, life insurance is a tool that enhances the benefits of many estate tax reduction and charitable strategies. It can provide income and estate tax free money to facilitate the payment of estate and inheritance taxes. It can also create a “family bank” to perpetuate wealth for future generations without the potentially debilitating effects of inherited wealth.
For younger families, life insurance is like owning a slice of time. It can help make up for earnings lost if you run out of time. Tax free dollars that can keep your family in their home, educate your children, as you do what you would have done. Often not appreciated is that some types of life insurance policies may also provide lifetime benefits that can further diversify your investment portfolio, provide for college expenses, and offer years of tax-free retirement income.
Long-Term Care Insurance Planning
The complexity of long term care insurance requires extensive product knowledge and an in-depth understanding of client circumstances. We know how to design LTC insurance plans that shelter you and your loved ones from the skyrocketing costs of nursing facilities or at-home care solutions. In addition to the cost of long-term care, the greatest impact may be the emotional, physical, and fiscal burden placed on family care givers, when insurance is not available.
Disability Insurance Planning

What We Do
- Help you define and refine your protection goals.
- Project your future needs and the resources that you will have to meet them.
- Review your existing coverage, your objectives, other assets, and income sources available for your family and estate.
- Analyze the cost and benefits of different types of insurance products and survey the marketplace to find the right product available.
- Recommend the most suitable ownership, beneficiary, and premium payment strategies.
- Work with underwriters to secure the best possible rating for you.
- Collaborate with your other professionals, such as attornies or CPA.