BC Journal


#Finterms: Profit & Loss Statement

A Profit & Loss Statement, or “P&L” for short, is a foundational financial statement used to report a business’s sales (revenue) activity, the cost to produce those sales, and other operating expenses. 

Broadly speaking, after deducting the expense related to the cost of goods sold and general & administrative overhead, the P&L statement summarizes the resultant profitability from the sales a company produces.

Market Commentary

If one was to watch CNBC or Bloomberg for one hour, they would be left with completely divergent views on the state of the capital markets.  As we have always heard, for every stock sold there is a buyer.  Similarly, for every opinion shared, there is an opposite viewpoint.  Listening to numerous Chief Investment Strategists, it is clear that significant differences exist from firm to firm.  So how is one to interpret these varying viewpoints?  We would suggest stepping back and attempting to establish a more macro perspective of the landscape.

From 40,000 feet, the picture and “media noise” is somewhat reduced.

Macro headwinds continue to drive market direction.  Currently there are legit concerns for a global recession.  Although economic conditions on the surface here in the US feel weak, they feel (and are) even weaker globally.  As the FED and other Central Banks slowly removed the punchbowl from the party, investors are now feeling the subsequent hangover. 

#Finterms: Earnings Per Share (EPS) & Price Earnings Ratio (P/E)

Earnings Per Share (EPS)

Portion of a company's profit allocated to each outstanding share of common stock. For instance, a corporation that earned $10 million last year and has 10 million shares outstanding would report earnings of $1 per share. The figure is calculated after paying taxes and after paying preferred shareholders and bondholders. The EPS is important for calculating the Price Earnings Ratio of a company's stock.

#Finterms: Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

For an investor, an IRR calculation can measure the return on their portfolio. As an example if you had invested $100,000 that grew to $200,000 at the end of five years, the IRR, (in simple terms) would be the interest rate required to grow $100,000 to $200,000 over five years (14.87%).

You could then compare that IRR to returns you could have had in other investments.